I have been away for quite a long time. Remember the Trinidadian Sea God? Well, yes, he has been the sole owner of my thoughts and energy these days. A long distance relationship does that, especially one that is crippled with obstacles and half truths (who conveniently forgets to mention an on/off girl friend who is 6 months pregnant? A man, of course.) I went back to Trinidad in may, and I have fallen in love all over again; with him, with the island, with the mountains and the soothing sea. I left a part of me behind when I got on that flight back home. Four months since we first met, we settled on friendship. It is quite a story, and it is so wild, I had to pinch myself several times to see if I was still living in the real world, and not a bad tele novela. Amidst Baby mama drama, death threats, marriage talk, twins, and other eccentricities, I have decided to focus on different projects and start a new blog where I could write- not about my own life, shocker- but about issues that were dear to me, and were tied to HIV/Aids education and prevention. The topic is wide and encompasses sexuality, politics, foreign policy, relationships etc... and so there is always something new to discover. This little blog has been a source of solace so many nights, where I poured out my emotions into a new post. I thank all who have followed my raves and rantings, and hopefully, you will take a look at MY NEW BLOG.
Are you a lister?
2 months ago
right on my way there!
Hi, it says your blog is licked :( I love your writing style
sorry... licked = locked!
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